
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Tiny Scare

So for the past couple of days I've been having little tweaks of pain here and there around my pelvis. The pain would be mild, and would last for a second, but I was definitely aware of it. I thought to myself it's probably normal to feel little tweaks of pain, but yesterday after work my mind started racing. Ectopic. What if it's ectopic? How do I even know this is growing in the right place since I had gone to the obgyn in my 4th week and she couldn't see anything at that point other than my thick uterine lining. So I called the obgyn last night and while she said it's normal to have cramping and some pain in early pregnancy to come in this morning, and she'd take a look.

Well I was up at 4am, I was SO scared. I prayed so hard and wore my good luck socks (they are blue with pink hearts and they say "life is good") and my good luck underwear (the ones I wore when I got the positive pregnancy test) and I walked over to the obgyn's office (luckily I live a few blocks away).

So she felt around my abdomen and everything felt fine, and then she did an ultra sound and I heard her say "well, now I can see more than last time!" And there was a black circle in my uterus and she told me it was the sac. Hallelujah. The sac is there, right where it should be and I was relieved.

The doc said everything looked exactly as it should for 5 weeks of pregnancy and we decided to postpone my next ultra sound to August 20th since next week, we might not see that much of a change. She said by the 7th week there should be a heartbeat which is what we need to see next. That sounds good to me-- I'd rather wait the 10 days to see progress than to see something similar in a few days....

I can breathe a bit easier now knowing at least that this is growing in my uterus, where it should be, and at this point, all we can hope and pray for is a healthy heartbeat on Monday, August 20th. Please G-d let it be there, please....


  • At 11:18 AM , Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

    yes, breathe.

    Those scares are so terrifying.

    Hoping for the best with the next u/s.

  • At 2:45 PM , Blogger LifeHopes said...

    Soo happy to hear the good news! I hope that you can relax a little between now and then. There WILL be a STRONG heartbeat I just know it!

  • At 3:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Very happy to hear the great news!!!

  • At 5:59 PM , Blogger Christy said...

    I'm glad everything is good, and you know I will continue to pray mightily for you!

  • At 7:13 AM , Blogger Secret D said...

    Sorry to hear that you had a scare but pleased to hear that you got to see something on the u/s.

    Roll on the next u/s and a strong heartbeat.

    Keep positive and secretly happy.

  • At 9:21 AM , Blogger Natalie said...

    I'm glad everything's turning out. Hang in there, and hopefully you'll have another good update for us soon.

  • At 5:46 PM , Blogger FloridaWife said...

    Hi. I found you at Waitingforlife. Wow!! A SAC! Thank God. How beautiful and congratulations.

  • At 6:51 PM , Blogger Beth said...

    Awesome! That's how I started out - blood tests, and u/s at 5 weeks then 8 weeks and we saw the heartbeat at 8 weeks! It's awesome. Congratulations.


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