
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Countdown to August 13th...

Well the good news is that in about 40 hours my beta level has doubled and my progesterone is excellent--- the doctor said numbers look great and at this point no more blood tests, just come on in on August 13th for my first real ultra sound. YIKES.

Going to the obgyn vs the RE is so different when you're pregnant. Last time when I was pregnant I was at the RE's office every week for blood work and ultra sounds, and the nurses would call me within a few hours with results, giving me numbers, details.
And going to the regular obgyn, well they just call to let me know my numbers are okay without even telling me what they are. I guess they aren't dealing with women like me as much; for women who have gotten pregnant easily, this is the protocol-- numbers are good, see ya in two weeks!
But maybe it's better not to know everything or know too much. At least for me, the more I know the more I worry. So what's the point? If my doc says everything is fine then everything is fine. And for now, my numbers are doubling and I am pregnant.

Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better... I just can't seem to shake these nerves. I actually left work early today because my allergies were bothering me and I felt like my body had been hit by a truck. I have to say that I am terrified of what lies ahead. The thought of another mc is unbearable. I wish I could feel good about this pregnancy, but the truth is I don't. The fear is definitely outweighing the joy- despite everything being okay right now. I don't trust it, and I wish I could....


  • At 12:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well firstly: Congratualations on your numbers!!! That sounds very reassuring.

    And 2): I kow how hard it is not to worry but please try to relax. Your body needs as little stress as possible right now.

    Good luck and I hope you'll be able to post U/S pictures soon!

  • At 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I am very excited for you. I have to say though that I have no idea what these numbers mean that you're talking about :) I've been pregnant twice and only have had one pregnancy related blood test. I'd love to get tested more! :) I HATE waiting, but since your numbers are good, I think you don't have much to worry about. But you probably will worry anyway :)

  • At 4:37 PM , Blogger One View said...

    Great news on your beta doubling.. !! I can understand your fear. Good luck with your U/S and hope that it will help you to enjoy this pregnancy.

  • At 5:24 AM , Blogger Secret D said...

    It's difficult not to stress about a pregnancy when you have been there before and it didn't work out but there really is no reason why this pregnancy won't work out.

    Keep positive xx

  • At 10:59 AM , Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

    Yep, that fear sure is dominant over the joy.

    I hope the time until the u/s passes quickly for you!


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