
Monday, July 23, 2007

That's done, now onto the next thing...

Well there is going to be NO surgery.

I went to the head doctor and surgeon of endometriosis and laproscopy of a highly respectable hospital and he was appalled that this new RE thought I needed surgery because of my left ovary which happened to be near my uterus. In fact he said two things which made me really trust him: 1) If I was his daughter and showed him my pelvic scan results, he would never allow me to have surgery and 2) if I went to him as a surgeon to perform this surgery, he would turn me away. Number one; if my tubes are clear and I ovulate then the egg can still reach the tube, so surgery won't change anything. Number two; I did get pregnant naturally just three months ago so why would I need surgery?
He then told me (And I think Chris mentioned this too) that ovaries can move a bit. Well, he did an ultra sound and my left ovary wasn't even touching my uterus today. SO THERE! And for the record he knows this new RE and told me he is "weird" and not respected. I will not be seeing the new RE anymore. He put me through so much crap these past 2 weeks, when all along I had a feeling he was nuts. I have been under so much stress, and for what? I am certain stress does not help me get pregnant and I can't be getting stressed like this from crazy doctors who treat their patients like pin cushions and cause worry for no reason!

Now another thing-- this doc from today happens to be my former RE and told me that all the blood tests they had done (HIV. Hep C, etc) were fine, except that I'm showing positive surface antigens to Hep B, but negative antibodies, which means I don't have Hep B but I've either been exposed to it or am immune to it. So they took three more tubes of blood and I'll know tomorrow if i need to be monitored for it. He said that would be the worst case scenario because I definitely don't have it. I'm a little worried, but he reassured me it was really not a big deal as did the nurses, and as did my brother who is a pharmacist.

I am SO sick of doctors and medical stuff. After this Hep B stuff, I am not setting foot into another Dr. office unless a) I'm pregnant b) it's Oct./Nov. and I'm still not pregnant (we were going to do the natural thing for 6 months, but the doc today told me I should really wait till Oct. We shall see.

I need another vacation from all of this.


  • At 2:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I am soooo glad that new RE told you that you did not need surgery. I knew I had never heard of such nonsense and believe me, I've heard of a lot!!!

    On the needing a break side of things. You are very right. You may need to take a few months off and just relax and get back into you and your husbands "thing"!! When you feel refreshed and recharged you can come back swinging, who knows maybe all you need is a little break *wink, wink*. Just don't quit posting on us!

  • At 6:57 PM , Blogger Natalie said...

    This guy sounds awesome. Glad there's no surgery:-)

    As for the needing a break, if you can handle it, the month off we had last month ROCKED. I didn't even know what cycle day it was. It really helped me come in more clear-headed this round.

  • At 8:44 AM , Blogger Secret D said...

    Glad to hear that everything has been cleared up with your RE and surgery - how much of a headache was that?!

    Enjoy your "break" and keep posting.

  • At 4:42 PM , Blogger One View said...

    SO sorry for all the drama with your RE. Glad that you don't need surgery and that is call cleared up. Hope you enjoy your break. Sometimes breaks are necessary during this crazy IF roller coaster.

  • At 2:34 PM , Blogger nickoletta100 said...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and the good luck wishes! Glad you don't have to have surgery!!!

  • At 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Where are you? its been a week!

  • At 12:50 PM , Blogger Anns said...

    happy to hear you don't need to go under the knife and were able to get some feedback on your RE.

    Enjoy the time off.
    Anns xo


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