
Friday, August 03, 2007

So Now They Know...

So the plan was that we wouldn't tell any family or friends about this pregnancy until we were past the 1st trimester.

Well.... suddenly that just didn't feel right anymore.

Yesterday I spoke to my mom and then my dad about random stuff and it just felt so unnatural to keep this from them. They have been praying so hard, doing whatever they possibly could to help (sometimes a little too invasive) and I just knew it would make them so happy. Also with the recent news of my hCG levels doubling, I finally started believing that I actually am pregnant. (Even though apart of me feels like a liar because I still can't believe it-- but then I remember the proof; AF is not here, my boobs are sore, five positive pregnancy tests, and my hCG numbers are doubling-- so it's gotta be true, right?).

I called Dave at work and told him how I felt about feeling weird about not telling my parents. He was hesitant at first, but then understood. My mother loves to give advice and offer opinions to the point where it can get annoying, frustrating and stressful. She has a very strong personality and I have spent many years in therapy discussing this. Yet, I really was feeling sad that she didn't know and I knew I needed to tell her and my dad. Plus I knew they would be SO happy.

And so last night Dave and I took a drive to Brooklyn and told them. It was exactly how I had fantasized and it was so memorable; there were tears, hugs, looks of disbelief (Dave told me his ear was soaked from my mom's tears when she was hugging him- it kind of grossed him out but in an endearing way). They were just so suprised-- they did not expect this 3 months after the mc considering it took so long the first time. But the best part was that I just love love love making people happy, and they were beyond happy. (Cautiously happy).

Well aside from my parents, sister, brother and mother-in-law knowing we've decided that this is absolutely it until G-d willing October when I will G-d willing be in my 4th month and we will tell the rest of the family and our friends.
Let's just hope and pray I get there this time.


  • At 12:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How fun!! I have always imagined how I would tell my in-laws (both of my parents are dead). I hope one day to be able to give them news that would make them that happy!

    Have fun with this. Good luck

  • At 4:46 PM , Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

    It is hard to keep it in. There is something so thrilling about telling in the world do people tell no one until the second trimester??? I truly admire those people.

  • At 3:54 PM , Blogger FloridaWife said...

    Hey, it is right for them to know and how wonderful you were able to share this moment with them - they who love you so much. WHEN I do get pregnant, I have to tell my mother right away because she's been praying novenas for me and everything, so I have to let her know so that she'll shift her focus to praying that I STAY pregnant. Take care


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