
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hard Weekend-- UPDATED

Saturday morning I woke up to a very small amount of brown discharge. I called my doctor and she said it's common and I shouldn't panic or be nervous about it. If it becomes bright red then I should call her. Regardless I felt scared--I felt like, great, here we go....

Throughout the day I still had very small amounts of brown discharge and from everything I read it's usually a sign of old blood and is common in early pregnancy. But I'm scared. I still had some this morning; it's really a tiny amount but in my mind I am thinking this is the start of the worst.

I'm calling my obgyn tomorrow am and will have them squeeze me in somehow. I just want to know if everything is okay or not. Originally I was scheduled for an August 13th ultrasound anyway, but then we moved it to next week, knowing we would see more. So I guess I'm going in on the original date and I PRAY everything is okay... At 6 weeks and 2 days, I'm not sure if we'll see a heartbeat, but I pray that the doctor tells me he is seeing what he should be seeing at this time-- I just want to walk away with an okay feeling. I'm so terrified. I just keep playing three months ago in my mind and don't want to go through that again. I fear I will not come back from that kind of pain a second time.

Please G-d -- if you can hear me/see me typing this -- please protect and take care of our little. And most of all, please G-d, please let it be healthy this time.

So we just got back from the doc and all is fine. It's actually better than I expected. First the doctor did not see any blood in my hooha when he looked in there (fun). Then the ultrasound showed a yolk this time AND we saw the flickering of the heart!!! The doctor told us we might not see anything at all right now which would be okay too, so this was an added bonus. At 6 weeks it is too early to measure on their machine, but we clearly saw it flickering on the screen and it was the best moment I've had in a very long time. The doc said this is a good sign. Relief.

So now I know there is something growing in me. Now I just hope it continues to grow. I have my 7 week ultrasound a week from today-- I pray everything will continue to blossom and grow.

The doctor printed out the ultrasound picture for us but I gave it to Dave to hold. I'm not ready to get attached yet... But so far so good. It's amazing how much can change in five days which was when I had my last ultrasound, when all we could see was the sac.

Thanks to all of you out there who really made me feel better about everything with your kind words of support. It means so much. Thank you.

Thank you G-d for for today and please please keep our little healthy and strong in there.


  • At 6:27 PM , Blogger Kelly Hutcheson said...

    I had the SAME brown spotting a week from last Friday and I bawled like a baby all night! I thought it was all over! I called the dr on call Sat. morning and they were very reassuring, but I still was a nervous wreck! DH was confident all was well. The more I read, the better I felt. We didnt have our baby scan until the following friday (8/10) so it was a LOOOOONG WEEK of waiting! I'm happy to report that we saw a heartbeat on Friday! Dr. says the brown spotting is completely normal and common and just implantation from the baby going into the uterine lining and hitting a blood vessel. Bright red or non-stop cramping is a concern, but not brown spotting. I hope this helps you feel better!! I can honestly say I know how you feel! G/L on your u/s tomorrow!! We saw a heartbeat at 6w3d so I hope you can too, but dont worry if you can't! It's still very early!!!!!

  • At 6:28 PM , Blogger Kelly Hutcheson said...

    PS i'm still spotting a little each day and not worried at all! It makes me feel better that the baby is snuggling up more and more each day!!!

  • At 6:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I had that with my son (yes 15 1/2 years ago, but i'm sure its the same). He was perfectly fine. I'm sure that everything will be fine. Let us know what the doc says.

  • At 7:31 AM , Blogger LifeHopes said...

    I am no expert, but I have heard my husband the ob/gyn tell many a worried new mother that this is completely normal, especially when it is light and brown in color.

    I will keep saying a prayer for you.

  • At 9:22 AM , Blogger Christy said...

    You are getting lots of good advice here, my friend. I hope you are able to see your doc today and come away reassured. As you know, you are always in my prayers.

  • At 10:04 AM , Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

    I really hope it is nothing. Come on, let the appt go well!

  • At 3:25 PM , Blogger Anns said...

    Thank God, I am so happy to hear that all is going well. You are in my thoughts Mamma.

    xo Anns

  • At 5:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh congratulations. I just knew that everything would be fine!! I am so happy for you.

  • At 8:11 PM , Blogger Natalie said...

    Yay for the update! Yay yay yay! That's awesome.

  • At 4:27 AM , Blogger Secret D said...

    Good news!

    I'm sure that everything is going to be fine with this pregnancy.

    I'm so pleased for you and your husband.

  • At 9:46 AM , Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

    Ok, breathing...commence now! I am so relieved!!!


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