
Wednesday, August 22, 2007


So hubby and I haven't made whoopy since we found out I'm preggars. It's been like more than a month now. And the reason is - we are scared to do it!!!! Is this silly and ridiculous??? Are we the only ones who feel this way? It's like we don't want to disturb our "little", especially since things are going well for now. We keep telling each other, okay after the next ultra sound, or when we hear the heartbeat, or now it's been once we get past the next ultra sound at 9 weeks. It's always something. I tell my husband that it's really no different than having the ultra sound wand in me- right??? And that seems to be okay.... What if we never do it again????

Oh my!

I know this must sound so crazy, but I really hope we get over our fear and get it on soon. I'm afraid I'm going to forget how to do it : )

In other news-- I am officially pretty nauseous all day now. Most food disgusts me. I read about this happening but I never thought I'd experience it as I love love food and I love to cook. Thinking about food makes me nauseous (I am nauseous as I type) and I haven't been able to cook. But luckily, I'm not throwing up. I'm also really tired throughout the day and it's hard to work. I have to really fight it. But it's all wonderful and I want to continue to feel it all. So that's it for now--- just awaiting the next ultra sound in 10 days. Yikes!


  • At 11:44 AM , Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

    Welcome to the chaste preggo club! D and I tried the night of my brithday last weekend... it was a disaster. I couldn't relax, and he couldn't enjoy himself. You are not missing anything good! Trust me!

  • At 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Don't worry, you won't forget how to do it :) And it gets so much better after you've had a baby (well, not immediately after...) For the time being, enjoy being pregnant!

  • At 1:42 PM , Blogger Christy said...

    When I first got pregnant my acupuncturist recommended abstinance for the entire first trimester, as a means to exercise an abundance of caution. Hubby wasn't too happy, but made the best of it. It didn't bother me in the least because I was just so darn tired!

  • At 7:29 AM , Blogger LifeHopes said...

    He-he- your post made me laugh!
    So... as an aside, I asked my hubby last night (he's an ob/gyn) whether sex in early pregnancy is risky for the baby. He said "no."

    BUT - if I were you, I think I'd be taking the same approach!!! (just to be on the safe side:)
    Many blessings and prayers for you right now !!!

  • At 11:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You are so funny! I think it is probably fine to have sex but if you are unsure call your Dr's office and ask what they think.

    Also, I don't think you'll forget, it's like riding a bike LOL~

  • At 3:21 AM , Blogger Secret D said...

    Glad to hear that everthing is going well.

    I can appreciate your apprehension over whether to have sex or not but I wouldn't want to comment as I have not got that far and I'm not sure what I would do.


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