
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Voices of Reason

I need to get back to reality. I have been in panic mode since yesterday afternoon ever since my doctor told me he couldn't test my FSH this cycle because it's the first period after my miscarriage and it wouldn't be accurate. My HCG is 9, which is good because it's almost gone, but my body is still healing...

I need to remember that I was able to get pregnant. I need to remember that 2 obgyns, and one endocrynologist all told me my FSH did not have anything to do with my miscarriage. I need to remember that acupuncture helps lower FSH and stimulate egg growth-- which is probably why I was able to get pregnant-- only after 8 acupuncture treatments. I also need to remember that every doctor that I have been to has told me that I will get pregnant and have a healthy child. And finally-- I need to remember that it took us a year to get pregnant which is considered average. STOP THE PANIC.

Until I get my FSH results next cycle, I can stop thinking about it now. I am getting over my miscarriage now. My body is healing itself, and I did have a healthy period exactly 4 weeks after the miscarriage. So after one more cycle after this one (per doc's orders) we will start to try again. In the meantime I will continue to take care of myself, and pray that my FSH goes back down and I will have a healthy baby FAST.

I'm really looking forward to meeting Dr. Chang next week- his book just came out "What Your Doctors May Not be Telling You About Getting Pregnant" By Raymond Chang, MD. I have been reading it and it's full of great information. It's helping me stay positive which is so important right now.

I think the sooner the I start to believe I will get pregnant and let nature take control and just let go a little-- the sooner I will have a healthy pregnancy.


  • At 9:55 AM , Blogger Christy said...

    It sounds like you have really given yourself a good talk! So good that I will have to remember some of it for me. I started acupuncture the week before I found out I was pregnant and kept it up each week until last week. I already have my next appointment for Wednesday as I am eager to get my body back in balance. Please share how you are doing with acupuncture, and in the meantime, keep up that positive self talk! You and your body know that you can do this!

  • At 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It is fine to respond where you did. I am only a year older than you. Did you hear anything back form the Dr on your levels or what they mean?

  • At 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Have a great weekend too! And stay positive, it worked once for you and it will work again!

  • At 11:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    AHey, how was your weekend? BD means to babydance (have sex). And the reason this is my most fertile month is b/c after the RE did my laperoscopy and hysteroscopy, he freed up my tubes. He said that the month following that is the best chance to get PG b/c after that I have increased chances of the tubes reattaching themselves and scar tissue reapplying to them. They can start growing back within days of surgery so it is really important to get the spermies in there before they do!

    Hope that answered your questions...


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