
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Well She's Baaaaack.....

So flo is officially here as of yesterday-- exactly 4 weeks to the day since my miscarriage.

I just can't believe the body knows how to do this. But I have always had 27-28 cycles. But the strangest part is that for the first time since I am 12 years old (when I met old Auntie Flo) I did not have ONE single symptom-- and for all these years have always had sore breasts and cramps. So my acupuncturist was happy when I told her this and my doctor was glad AF showed up. And that's really it.

So I'm back to drinking my rasberry leaf tea, going to fertility yoga, and sticking to acupuncture. Other than that-- trying to live as stress-free as possible. But it's hard and I have to remind myself to relax daily.

This is a new beginning for us and I pray it won't be a long journey this time and we will be parents of a healthy baby very very very soon.... amen.


  • At 9:06 PM , Blogger Christy said...

    You don't know me, but I happened across your blog tonight and am truly touched. You write beautifully and from the heart. I know this is a painful time for you, but I want you to know that your blog has given me comfort and makes me feel not so alone. You see, tomorrow I am 10 weeks pregnant. Tomorrow I am going in for a D&C as last Friday's ultrasound showed that there was no longer a heartbeat. 3 weeks ago everything was fine. Tonight all is lost.
    You can visit me at

  • At 8:04 AM , Blogger Christy said...

    Thanks for your kind note on my blog today. Actually, I didn't get pregnant throught IVF. I got pregnant naturally the cycle before starting IVF. We thought we had dodged a bullet. We thought wrong.

    Do you mind if I add you to my blogroll?


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