
Monday, April 30, 2007

So Much for Feeling Better


I was doing so well these past few days. I finally felt cleansed and ready to start fresh and make us this baby! We even had post-miscarriage loving this weekend for the first time-- it's been so long and it felt so wonderful, and familiar and I felt happy and loved.

And then a silly little thing this morning just brought into such a depression and sadness. I just read that the blond host of the View is pregnant and due in November- - when I was due too. It is so unfair! Why does she get to have this and I don't? I feel so sad right now... I know it's so silly, but I'm 34, she's 29 and she gets 2. I'm trying to make one and it's been so damn hard.

Anyway-- I needed a place to vent and this is where I come to.

I will get back to thinking and feeling positive. I just didn't need to read that. I'm sure today's acupuncture will replenish me and make me feel good again. I am counting the days till flo arrives-- and I pray she comes on time, as my doctor said it can take 4-6 weeks after a miscarriage. This Sunday will mark the 4 week point since that horrible night. We shall see.

Think positive. And it will come.


  • At 7:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I tempd to make sure that I was indeed ovulating. I also used the OPK's to pinpoint when my LH surge happened but that doesn't guarentee that you actually do ovulate. The only way to know for sure is to see the temp spike that happens after OV occurs.


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