I am really surprised to see the quality of my friends. They barely call, check in, or they choose to tell me about intimate moments they have with their children-- just 2 weeks after my miscarriage. I just don't get it. Are people really that thoughtless or are they just plain dumb?
I make such an effort in my life to be thoughtful of others-- strangers, friends, family-- and it makes me sad that it is so rare to find this in another human being-- especially the ones who you thought were your good friends. They are either so wrapped up in their lives, they can't take 5 minutes to pick up the phone and say hi, or they think I'm over it now because it's been 2 whole weeks.
The quality of human beings in this world is really crap ( at least the ones in my life). But it has only made me want to be a better person, because I would never want to be like that. They have no idea how good it can feel to make another person feel good, especially when they are going through a hard time.
I make such an effort in my life to be thoughtful of others-- strangers, friends, family-- and it makes me sad that it is so rare to find this in another human being-- especially the ones who you thought were your good friends. They are either so wrapped up in their lives, they can't take 5 minutes to pick up the phone and say hi, or they think I'm over it now because it's been 2 whole weeks.
The quality of human beings in this world is really crap ( at least the ones in my life). But it has only made me want to be a better person, because I would never want to be like that. They have no idea how good it can feel to make another person feel good, especially when they are going through a hard time.
At 1:55 PM ,
SnowCone said...
Hey there! Thank you for posting a reply to my blog. Thank you also for your congratulations!! I know it isn't easy to hear about other people getting preggers while you're trying so hard, so I appreciate your congrats that much more. As to your friends, well, I have a few stories of my own. I've come to the conclusion that unless someone is having fertility issues, they have NO idea what it's like. Their comments aren't meant to be hurtful, they're just clueless (unfortunately). I had a friend who kept sending me baby info and maternity info while I was trying - I think she meant well but it felt like a knife everytime I saw the e-mails. This same friend also would complain all the time about not having any time to herself anymore (two kids, ages 3 and 2).
So I'm sorry you're going through so much and that you seem to be going through it alone. A lot of my friends had no idea how to deal with my fertility problem/depression, so they just avoided the topic altogether - try reaching out to them and ask them for a little sensitivity/support and see if that helps. You truly find out who your real friends are during this time.
I send you lots of baby dust! And it WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!! I'm actually curious to hear what your doc/specialist said - which tests did you do?
Anyhoo, hang in there, deep breaths, peace and joy your way. :)
At 12:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Not everyone is so cruel or insensitive. I am sorry that your friends have not been more suportive for you but you have to ignore that and keep being your same sweet self. Eventually what goes around, comes around!
At 5:59 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi, I found your blog while reading another one. That's usually how I find them. I'll read different comments that people leave and click on their name to read theirs. I haven't found any way to search for specific blogs yet but I am pretty new to this.
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