
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Do I Have a New Body?

I went to my obgyn this morning for day 3 blood work. They won't have results until Friday or Monday. At my RE I would get them same day-- I guess this is the protocol at the obgyn's. I'm a little nervous but I'm trying to stay positive, as so far everything has happened on time since my miscarriage.

The one thing I need to ask the doc when I call for results is-- is it normal for the body to change when it comes to PMS symptoms after a miscarriage?
Since I have been getting my period, I have always had sore breasts and now my last two periods since my miscarriage, I have had nothing. Is this bad? Is this good? What does it mean?
I can't seem to find much on the internet-- although I do read that the body can change after a miscarriage. But I just want to know if my body isn't working right anymore now that I don't have sore breasts.
Weird, I know. But it feels strange not having this symptoms. It's like I suddenly have a new body... and I want to know if it's better/same as before or worse.

I am calling the doctor by Friday. I hate the waiting. Shocking, right?


  • At 10:37 AM , Blogger Christy said...

    I wish I had some answers for you, but I really don't. You have some really good questions for your doctor. I seem to recall that you have been doing acupuncture. Is that correct? Maybe that has something to do with it? Just today I'm 4 weeks past my D&C. My boobs have hurt for 4 days and I've had slight twinges/cramps for that long as well, and also several of my other pregnancy symptoms have returned. No sign of Aunt Flo. So yes, waiting definitely stinks for everyone!

  • At 5:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My periods completly changed after my miscarriage. They went from being kinda diffcult to nothing. Now when I get AF I have no symptoms at all. Most of the time I don't even know that I am starting until I see it. I would say that my miscarriage def. changed my cycle. Maybe you are the same.

  • At 8:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh, and the RE did not say anything about doing a progesterone test to see if I did indeed ovulate or not. I am tracking my temps right now to see if I see a spike in them. If that happens I wil be pretty sure that I did ovulate.


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