
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Heart 21

Oh how I love today.

We had our 21 week anatomy scan and everything (thank G-d) is healthy and normal, and measuring just as it should, and is where it should be, and functioning as it should be.

I am so relieved.

We saw our little once again covering its face, but then when it uncovered it, it was smiling! So cute! We saw lips and even the lenses in the eyes. The heart, brain, spine, organs all normal. Our little is almost 1 pound right now!!! In fact for the first time Dave was able to feel the kicking too, whereas I've been the one to only feel it for the past few weeks. Last night our little was kicking hard! And sure enough when Dave put his hand on my belly he felt it. It was so cool for him to finally feel that connection....

The gender was also confirmed, but I can't seem to bring myself let it out. It's kind of fun and romantic having something just for us right now...

Anyway--- so far so good.

December is a fun month for us- besides Hanukah, it is also David's birthday on 12/11 and our second wedding anniversary on 12/18. We'll be going away that weekend to the same cozy inn we went to last year in Saratoga. It will be nice to get away and "just be".

Please G-d continue to keep our little healthy, safe and growing.

I have been tagged by Mrs. B so here goes:

4 jobs I have held:
- Babysitter
- Camp counselor
- Chiropractic assistant
-Pharmaceutical PR manager

4 movies watched more than once:
- Cinema Paradiso
- Devil Wears Prada
- Six Degree of Separation
- When Harry Met Sally

4 TV Shows I watch faithfully
- The Hills
- American Idol
- All Food Network
- So You Think You Can Dance

4 Places I have vacationed
- Israel
- Spain
- England
- Nova Scotia

4 Favorite Foods:
- Pizza
- Ice cream
-French fries
- Steak

4 Places I'd rather be:
- Cape Cod
- Italy
- I can only come up with these, as long as I am with my hubby, I don't care where I am.

4 Hobbies I have:
- Reading
- Cooking
- Writing
- Volunteering

Now I tag Chris, Meg, and Loren : )


  • At 1:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Of course NYC is you! You are my only friend in New York!!

    So glad that everything went well at the visit. I know how relieved you must be!!

  • At 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wow, you've been everywhere!! I would LOVE to go to Italy!

  • At 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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  • At 4:13 PM , Blogger Anns said...

    I can't BELIEVE you're not gonna tell us what the sex is..... this is t-o-r-t-u-r-e for me!

    Congrats though, happy to hear the fab news!

  • At 4:35 PM , Blogger Christy said...

    I'm so happy that everything went well at your scan and you can breathe yet another sigh of relief. And I'm telling you, I can't wait to find out the sex of your baby! And baby names!

    Oh, and I want to vacation with you. You take way better vacations than me. Thanks for tagging me, I'll get to it in a few days.


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