
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stll Speechless...

So my beta numbers are in and they have more than doubled in the past 48 hours. Still pregnant. This doesn't seem real at all.

I have no real symptoms right now except major exhaustion around 1pm and on. I could just fall asleep standing. No sore boobs like I had with my last pregnancy and the dr. did tell me every pregnancy is different.

Well, still VERY scared of what's to come. I pray this pregnancy turns out as amazing as my last one did.

Holy Sh*t!!!!!! Is this really happening????!!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I just took a digital pregnancy test and it said "PREGNANT".



This was not supposed to happen right away. It is SO unexpected.

I am happy. I am scared. I feel just like I did back on July 2007.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be a normal, healthy pregnancy.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

10 Months!

It is so hard to believe that 10 months ago (Apr 8th) I gave birth to Maya. In many ways she seems like she's been with us forever, and at the same time, it feels like just yesterday I was sitting on my couch staring down at my enormous belly, feeling the kicks, and trying to imagine the face of my baby.

And now I am planning a huge first birthday bash for her, and thinking about balloons, and puppeteers, and birthday cakes for my little girl.

Maya definitely has changed a lot this month. She knows when she is being silly. She loves to reach into David's shirt, grab his chest hairs and squeal with delight. It is hilarious (not so much for David of course :) If I am holding her and making her bottle with my other hand, she will grab my cheeks, eye lids, nose, you name it, and thinks it's hilarious when I scream "OUCH!"

She loves it when I twirl her and has the BEST laugh ever. It comes from deep deep down right in her gut. She is holding on and walking and loves to be on the ground. She cries hysterically when I leave the room and close the door. We are best buddies and we spend all day together.
If I wake up in a bad mood, I look at her and I can become happy again. She makes it very easy.

I am truly blessed to have this person in my life.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I have never had Maya sleep in bed with me. In the morning when she wakes up at 6:45am(arrgh!!!) I will put her in bed next to me and she's awake, cooing and poking my face. This gives me a chance to slowly wake up as I am not a morning person at all.

This morning however, I had the most delicious treat yet. When I put her down in bed next to me, she fell asleep and we snuggled and slept together for an hour. Her little toes were right there and her tiny heart-shaped mouth so perfect and cute-- all right there next to me. Her baby smell and soft skin, all right there in bed with me. I wish I had a photo of this! It was pure coziness. And when she awoke, she was all smiles.

This has got to be the BEST way to wake up in the morning. Nothing beats it.

Maybe I'll get lucky again tomorrow morning : )