Gratitude List '08
I am grateful that we are all healthy.
I am grateful for a beautiful, thriving, healthy, baby girl.
I am grateful for a hardworking, patient, loving husband.
I am grateful to finally enjoy my first Thanksgiving with my new family of three.
I am grateful that Maya is energetic, and spunky, and is already wanting to walk! (at 7 months!!)
I am grateful that we will introduce chicken into Maya's diet and raise her solids to 3 meals a day!
I am grateful that I recently had a mammogram and it was normal.
I am grateful that aunt flo arrived 26 days after I stopped nursing and I had an LH surge on day 16 of my cycle.
I am grateful that I resumed acupuncture to get my body back to normal and it looks like it's working.
I am grateful that we will begin to start trying again very soon, and with lots of prayers and hope we will give Maya a healthy sibling sooner rather than later!
I am grateful we will go to my brother's for Thanksgiving this year.
I am grateful that Maya has so many cousins and is surrounded by so much love in her life.
I am grateful for her adorable squeals, babbles, and cooing.
I am grateful for the "Rock n Roll" baby class we are currently taking together.
I am grateful to have made some new mommy friends recently and spend time with them and their babies.
I am grateful that December brings lots of happy events for us-- David's birthday, Chanukah and our wedding anniversary!
I am grateful for this blog and how it's been therapeutic for me to be able to vent and express myself freely without ever feeling judged, and the support of my blog friends has always been amazing. Thank you!
I am grateful for a roof over my head, food on the table, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.
I am grateful for the ambition and hard work of my husband to be able to provide for us.
I am grateful always for my GROWING family of three.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!