1. I can't stop sneezing. My allergies are out of control. My nostrils hurt.
2. I am nauseous and can't stop gagging (probably from all the sneezing).
3. I am constipated.
Nice, huh?
I just scheduled to get myself the flu shot which my obgyn recommends. Apparently it is recommended that all pregnant women get the flu shot. I was concerned about its safety but my obgyn assures me it is safe. Plus, knowing that I catch every one's cold at least once during the winter, made me think that I should get it-- although I have never gotten the flu shot before.... I still have an obgyn appointment before the flu shot appointment so I will double check once again about its safety for me and our "little".
In other news I am in my 17th week right now, that's the beginning of the fifth month- hoorah! I am starting to feel the sexual urges return, so I'm hoping hubby and I can resume some of that activity soon-- as it's embarrassing to admit, but we haven't done "it" since July. With all the nausea and vomiting, I just couldn't. But the problem is the nausea is still around, so I'm hoping I can become distracted from it, somehow... : )
I am really looking forward to seeing our little next Thursday. I feel like it's been forever, even though we just saw "it" one week ago today. Even though the time is moving faster now, the time in between those ultra sounds feels like forever..... My vulnerability hasn't left at all, and I pray everything continues to be fine.
Please G-d continue to keep our little safe and healthy and growing strong...