
Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I stayed home today because of the following:

1. I can't stop sneezing. My allergies are out of control. My nostrils hurt.
2. I am nauseous and can't stop gagging (probably from all the sneezing).
3. I am constipated.

Nice, huh?

I just scheduled to get myself the flu shot which my obgyn recommends. Apparently it is recommended that all pregnant women get the flu shot. I was concerned about its safety but my obgyn assures me it is safe. Plus, knowing that I catch every one's cold at least once during the winter, made me think that I should get it-- although I have never gotten the flu shot before.... I still have an obgyn appointment before the flu shot appointment so I will double check once again about its safety for me and our "little".

In other news I am in my 17th week right now, that's the beginning of the fifth month- hoorah! I am starting to feel the sexual urges return, so I'm hoping hubby and I can resume some of that activity soon-- as it's embarrassing to admit, but we haven't done "it" since July. With all the nausea and vomiting, I just couldn't. But the problem is the nausea is still around, so I'm hoping I can become distracted from it, somehow... : )

I am really looking forward to seeing our little next Thursday. I feel like it's been forever, even though we just saw "it" one week ago today. Even though the time is moving faster now, the time in between those ultra sounds feels like forever..... My vulnerability hasn't left at all, and I pray everything continues to be fine.

Please G-d continue to keep our little safe and healthy and growing strong...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another Milestone

Ahhh. I am breathing for a bit now.

We had the second trimester anatomy scan and our little is looking healthy and everything measures normally. We also got back the second trimester blood results and they came back great. So now combining the first trimester nuchal screening and blood results with the second trimester anatomy scan and blood results--- as the doctor said, it all looks "beautiful!"

Our next big ultra sound is on November 27th for the follow up anatomy scan (21 weeks) and if that goes well, then no amnio for us. The doctor told us we can still do the amnio up to 22 weeks so if G-d forbid we need to, we have that chance and she can get us rapid results too. I love this doctor. I feel so secure in her hands, and I am totally listening to whatever she tells us to do next.

I'm about to begin my fifth month of pregnancy this weekend! I can't believe it. Now it feels like time is flying by a bit faster. I lost six pounds in the first trimester from all the vomiting and weird food habits. I have gained back one pound of that so far, as my food habits haven't changed, although the nausea is a bit better. Yesterday was the first day I haven't thrown up in 4 months. Let's see if that continues. But I am eating fruit everyday and the doctor is not concerned. They all feel my appetite will change, and I am trying to eat more lentils and beans to make up for the lack of meat and fish that I can't seem to tolerate... My belly is sticking out though, so that's been fun to watch grow and change.

I am just so proud of our little. We were able to see five fingers on each hand at the anatomy scan, the kidney, the arteries, brain, heart. We even saw our little put its hands in front of its eyes- as if to play "peekaboo" with us. So cute!

Oh--- and yes, we also know the gender! But I think I'm going to keep it to myself -- I feel at this point I just want to focus on a healthy pregnancy because the truth is-- boy or girl, makes no difference to us. I just want a healthy and happy baby at the end of all of this.

So for now, we wait till the next big scan and in the meantime, I am wearing maternity pants which Dave thinks every man should own, and I am bonding with our little, loving it more and more everyday. I am just so so grateful for this, I can't even express it. I am bursting with gratitude.

Please G-d continue to keep our little healthy and growing strong.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Today at 10:20am I entered this world. I am 35 years old today and in the 15th week of my pregnancy. This is exactly where I want to be right now. Sitting at my desk at work, eating my cheese sandwich, looking down at myself, and seeing a round "torpedo" bump sticking out of my body, holding a life I pray is still growing strong.

We spent the weekend at a bed & breakfast in upstate New York surrounded by the Hudson River and weeping willows. It was peaceful, quiet, and truly relaxing. The weather was crisp and cool and we spent every free moment snuggling.

Tonight David will cook for me and we'll stay in to celebrate my birthday. He sent me a vase full of gorgeous orchids and even though it's fall outside, my office smells like a spring garden.

So this is my life-- right now, on my 35th birthday. I am carrying the most precious gift I could have asked for, and I truly feel grateful for this.

Please G-d keep our little strong and healthy and growing...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I have been throwing up anywhere from one to five times a day still. I am nauseous all day long. I used to be a person that LOVED food and LOVED to cook. This has been my diet for the past two months or so:

1. bagels with cream cheese (all flavors-- plain, olive, scallion, veggie)
2. grilled cheese without butter (the grease makes me puke)
3. rice
4. black beans
5. guacamole & chips
6. cool ranch doritos (my favorite)
7. cheese doodles (must be the puffy ones)
8. chocolate chip ice cream
9. grape or orange flavored ice pops
10. cereal
11. milk
12. cottage cheese
13. french fries (with or without cheese-- but hold the ketchup: EWEEWWW!!!)
14. melon
15. apples
16. egg whites
17. and lots and lots of saltine crackers

That's it. I will not and cannot eat eat any meat, chicken, fish or any veggies. I hear this all changes in the second trimester. Well, I'm in the second trimester and so far no change. I LOVE CHEESE-- or shall I say, our little just loves "its" cheese : )

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A Wave Hello

I got to see our little today and it waved hello to me. It already has manners : )

I actually wasn't supposed to have an ultra sound today, as I was meeting with a genetic counselor to discuss whether to do the amnio. She said my nuchal scan results were excellent and gave me a lot of information on the difference between the nuchal and amnio. After our meeting I figured since I'm already there, why not see if I could squeeze myself in for a little peek at our little. They are so nice there and got me in for an ultra sound. Perfect heartbeat and measurements, as I am now in the middle of my 13th week! I saw the spine and it's gotten so big! I am so proud of it!

The doctor then came in she said it was beautiful : ) We then spoke about the amnio and my fear of miscarriage. So she recommended that my next step be the 15 week quad blood test and 16 week anatomy scan which when combined with the nuchal screening will give them a really good picture of this baby's health. She said if all this looks normal, she doesn't think I need to do the amnio. I mean my nuchal screening results gave me a risk of 1 in 6,000 for Downs and 1 in 10,000 for the trisomy tests-- all of which are excellent. So I am happy with these next steps. I'd rather avoid the amnio if everything is looking normal.

So that's it. I am turning 35 on Oct. 15th.
I hope this year will be filled joy, health, love, and most of all-- motherhood.
. Please G-d keep our baby growing healthy and strong.