
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Cute Man Derm

So I went for my full body check up today at my dermatoligist, something I started doing recently, as I have realized the importance of taking care of one's skin and making sure nothing's funny (I'm fair and freckly).
Anyhoo, this is the first time I have gone to this specific doctor, and he's probably in his 30's, Asian and very cute. Well I have to say I was a little uncomfortable standing there in the nude getting examined by him, I stared at the wall the entire time, but felt his eyes all over me. I kept reminding myself that he sees this stuff all the time, and I am nothing to him. The most uncomfortable part though was when he told me to undo my ponytail and he checked my scalp. I felt like my hair looked like it does after sex and combined with the naked, I felt EXPOSED!
Well, that was the excitement of the day, thus far : ) There's always Torah class tonight : ) Yay!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Here I am

Today is a new day for me. Perhaps it is the beginning of something I have thought about but haven't done anything about; getting the words out of my soul and putting them somewhere. Maybe this is where they belong. We shall see. More soon-- want to figure this thing out first!